Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Hello! And welcome to The Super Dope Fresh blog.
So what do we have here? Well, to some, it could look like just a boring blog about an individuals interests. Gosh that sounds BORING doesnt it??

Well guess what? Its going to be ANYTHING but. As a matter of fact, its the opposite of boring. Why you ask? I am an individual with MANY tastes. And Im a crazy extrovert. And Ive been known to pick up trends BEFORE they become popular. Thats right... a trend setter. And I have a long term proven track record with it too. 

So what are the interests? Fashion. Phones. Gadgets. Cooking. Cars. Movies. Hair. Music. Attractive Women. Video Games. Motorcycles. Respectable Bro's. Dance. News. (And of course, anything else that tickles my fancy at the time)

Im sure at least one or more of those interest you, so follow me. Im the bouncing ball. I can take you anywhere at all. 

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